Tuning Fork TherapyŽ
About Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Practitioner Certifications
Hello and welcome to the official Tuning Fork Therapy® website.
Are you thinking about taking the Tuning Fork Therapy Practitioner® training courses and becoming a registered and certified sound therapist? Would you love to learn more about how to incorporate sound and vibration into your healing sessions? If so, then Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner courses are right for you.
There are currently Eight levels of training in this exciting and growing natural therapy.

Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Practitioner Certifications
Only those practitioners who successfully complete their courses through this center's registered instructors will become registered with this center and are permitted to use the term, 'Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner', after their name. Watch out for scams. There are some out there who will cheat you.
As a registered and certified Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner, you will also be able to use a wide variety of Tuning Fork Therapy® logos available to you through this site. Many are free of charge. You can also elect to purchase a variety of products that boast the Tuning Fork Therapy® logos at www.cafepress.com/TuningForkTherapy.
When you have successfully completed one of the levels of training currently available, you will be called a Tuning Fork Therapy Practitioner® to the highest level of training that you have completed. So that if you completed the Level One Certification, You will be called a Level One Tuning Fork Therapy Practitioner®. If you completed both the Level One AND Level Two certifications, you will be called a Level Two Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner.
You must complete the levels of training in the correct order, so you must complete the Level One certification before you go on to the Level Two certification, etc.
Each level of training is complete and when you have finished that level of training you will be certified in that level.
To receive the Master Tuning Fork Therapy Practitioner® certification, you will need to successfully complete ALL levels of certifications offered and do 10 case studies. (5 initial sessions and 5 follow up sessions.) Sessions must include client intake form and signature and feedback from client to qualify for the Master level certification.
Currently, the Master Tuning Fork Therapy Practitioner® certification is FREE to all registered students who have completed ALL eight current certifications.
NOTE: ALL sales are final. I do not accept refunds or returns of products, courses or services. If you received a product that is defective, then you must return it within two weeks for a replacement or refund. No other returns will be accepted.
Thank you,
Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Level One
Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Level Two
Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Level Three
Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Level Four
Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Level Five
Available for Home Study - or - On-Site Training
Home Study Courses
In Tuning Fork Therapy® Level One Certification students will receive:
*an 8-piece Harmonic Student beginner set of tuning forks
*a black round hockey puck
*a Tuning Fork Therapy® Level One manual
*a certificate suitable for framing
*5% discount on future tuning fork purchases
*ONE instructional DVD link (1 hour approximate running time)
Students will also be introduced into the science of sound and how to use tuning forks to create well being and balance in the body.
Topics covered include chakras, toning, meditation, methods and techniques for using tuning forks and more...
Students successfully completing this level will be able to teach their own Tuning Fork Therapy® Level One classes and certify their own students to this level.
ON-SITE Courses
Benefits of Certification: After successful completion of any course, students will be able to make future purchases for their own students at discounted wholesale prices. Students can also purchase additional tuning forks with a 5% discount.
The Registered certificates for students are available ONLY through this site to qualified registered instructors with future purchases of Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner kits for use in the classroom. ALL certified instructors will purchase their kits from this website for their students. Kits will include forks, book, handouts and certificate for their students. ALL kits are at a bargain price and change as product and/or shipping pricing changes.
*Remember-in order for your students to become recognized and certified by this site, you MUST purchase all future kits from this site. Your students will then be added to the database and permitted to use the Tuning Fork Therapy® logo, etc. This will ensure the quality and basic knowledge for all future instructors.
NOTE: Only students receiving instruction from registered Instructors can use the term 'Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner'.
***If you are not sure whether your instructioner has been legally certified as a TFT practitioner, ask to see their certificate and jot down their student reigstration number and contact me at FrancineMilford@cs.com and I will very whether they have received proper training and have purchased the correct student kit with certificate for your use. Please report any instructor who is using my copyrighted material and who is falsifying information to their students. This is not just a breach of ethics, it is a felony, and I will handle the situation for you.
Thank you, Francine
Copyright © 2000-2021 Tuning Fork Therapy®. All rights reserved.
Level Six
Level Seven
Level Eight

TFT Crystal Practitioner
TFT Color Therapy Certification
TFT Fibromyalgia Certification
NOTE: ALL forks, courses, certifications and books are non refundable.
However, should a fork arrive damaged, return immediately for a prompt replacement. Do NOT wait more than two weeks after delivery to return defective merchandise as I will not honor the request.