Tuning Fork TherapyŽ
Summer Newsletter 2019
Tuning Forks and Contraindications
When we talk about using tuning forks on our clients, we have to ask the question, “What, if any, contraindications are there to this therapy for this client?” Sometimes the answer is clear when we notice open wounds, rashes, and pregnancy, but at other times the answer may be hidden deep inside the body.
This is why I will ALWAYS advise that you take the time to have your client fill out a Client Intake Form. Be sure to ask specific questions on the form such as: ‘Do you have any pins in your body and if so, what are they made of?’ (Steel has a metal makeup that could amplify the tuning fork---all others materials would be fine).
Other questions would include: ‘Do you have any stents in your body and if so, where?’ ‘Do you have a colposcopy bag?’ Pacemaker? Any tubing? Aneurysm, and if so where? All things you want to stay away from and not to vibrate with the tuning fork.
But there are two more contraindications that you should now be aware of. These contraindications are called Musicogenic Epilepsy and Oversensitivity to Noise.
Musicogenic Epilepsy is a well-documented rare and complex condition in which music of a certain frequency can trigger a brain pattern that can cause an epileptic seizure. In other cases, studies have shown that certain musical patterns may actually help to control seizures such as in the book titled, 'The Mozart Effect.'
While the chances of you meeting someone with this condition are about one in 10,000,000 people, you should ask your clients if they are prone to seizures.
Musicogenic epilepsy can be caused not only by listening, thinking or dreaming of music, but also by church bells and singing. And a seizure may not occur right away. So what are things that you should look for in your client?
Keep an eye out if your client becomes noticeable distressed or agitated. Check for a rapid heart rate or notice rapid breathing or sweating and change in skin condition. For more information on this contraindication, please visit the Epilepsy Society at https://www.epilepsysociety.org.uk/music-and-epilepsy#.XMhr1OhKjIU
For those patients who suffer from oversensitivity to noise, it’s not the music that they dislike so much as it is the volume of the sound. This is why I use the Student Harmonic set in my TFT level one certification course. I have had many patients who could not withstand the volume of the sound coming from my premium tuning forks. So, not only is the student set perfect to use on small pets, children, and very sick adults, it is also good to use on people with sound sensitivity. I remember attending a singing bowl concert one time and the sheer volume of playing a set of bowls where one bowl was definitely out of sync with the others, gave me an immediate headache.
Studies have shown that sound sensitivity often occurs in those patients who have had a head trauma or injury to the brain. So this is another question you may want to add to your Client In-take form.
For people who suffer from depression, anxiety attacks, substance abuse, phobias, mental disorders, and eating disorders, you should have them consult with a medical physician or mental health care professional prior to having a Tuning Fork Therapy® treatment.

Tuning Forks May Elicit an Emotional Response
When you use tuning forks on yourself or your client during a session, you may discover that you trigger an emotional response. These responses can be very powerful and you may, or may not, be equipped to handle it. Some of the emotions that may be experienced include grief (over a loss), issues of abuse or abandonment, low self-esteem, pain, etc.
The decision of what to do will rest with your own knowledge and training in this matter. Generally, you may just allow the client to experience that emotion and give them the time and space to process it before you move on.
During some sessions, the client may cry, wail, experience jerking motions, whimper, have uncontrollable sobs, or random outburst.
At some tuning forks sessions, you may choose to continue with your protocols and yet, at other times, you may wish to end the tuning fork session and talk with your client about their experience (if you are qualified to do so).
Realize that if your client has a reaction to the tuning fork session that they may be physically, mentally, and spiritually drained. Be sure to offer them encouragement, rest, support, and a glass of water.
How to Enhance your Sensitivity
The goal of the following meditation exercise is to increase your listening ability and sensitivity to each of the notes that your tuning forks play.
To Do:
- Select the tuning fork that you want to work with (or just start at the Root and move upward-or start at the Crown and move downward).
- Activate your tuning fork.
- Place the vibrating tuning fork 2”- 4” from your right ear.
- Bring your awareness to the quality of the vibrating tuning fork.
- Answer the following questions:
- Is the sound crisp and clear or dull and muted?
- Where does the sound travel to in side of your body?
- How does this sound make you feel?
- Can you perceive a color with this sound?
- Can you give a name to the sound that you hear?
- Close your eyes and strike the tuning fork again.
- Place the vibrating tuning fork close to your ear as listed above, and then move it a little further away from the ear until you can barely hear the sound. Bring it close to your ear again, and move it away again, this time a little further away than you did previously. Take note of any patterns or tones your sound creates.
- Repeat the entire process with your left ear.
When doing this exercise, you can use just one tuning fork, or go through the entire set. The decision is yours.
While doing this exercise, can you hear the emotions that expressed by the sound? If so, is it sad or uplifting? Give a name to the emotion that your tuning fork elicits. What is the message being conveyed to you by the tuning fork?
If you want, you can journal down your experiences with each of the tuning forks that you decide to use.
Using Gold Tuning Forks
I have recently started carrying a few of the more common tuning forks in a gold finish. The color ‘gold’ adds a new dimension to the use of tuning forks.
The color ‘GOLD’ adds:
Wisdom, Wealth, Unity, Enlightenment, Success, Knowledge, and Optimism.
Use Gold to Sedate too much Indigo (depression, forgetfulness, sense of separation, superstitious)
If you have ever seen some of the Catholic pictures of Jesus Christ and even his mother, Mary, you will see golden rays emanating from their hands and feet. This is the Gold chakra. In this case, the color gold was seen as spiritual. Even the halos that surround the saints are golden.
If you are ever able to see an aura of someone who is teaching, you will be able to catch glimpses of the color gold in their aura. This gold symbolizes knowledge and mental activity.
The color gold has long been a symbol of personal and business success and achievement. It is a color of the wealthy and well-to-do. It is a color that is highly prized for the prestige and affluence that it brings. Of course, these things are all in a material form.
Gold represents the sun and in so doing, represents the masculine. (The color silver is linked to moon and as such, is then associated with the feminine).
When in balance, the color gold is associated with generosity, compassion, wisdom, knowledge, spirituality, confidence, wealth, understanding of self, abundance, passion, optimistic, and victory.
When out of balance, the color gold is associated with fear of success, fear of failure, stinginess, demanding, untrustworthy, miserly, selfishness, ego-centered, falsehood, and mean-spiritedness.
Use Gold to:
Deepen understanding of self
Deepen understanding of the soul
Teach others
Material wealth
Spiritual teachings
Deep joy
Use the color of Gold to balance too much Indigo
Gold Chakra
The Gold chakra is located between the Sacral chakra and the Solar Plexus chakra. In some texts, it is also located in the minor chakras of the hands and feet.