Tuning Fork TherapyŽ
About the Level Five Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Practitioner Certification
Your Choice---Home Study - or - come in person.
*Home Study: Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner certifications are available for Home Study/Distant Learning. All eight levels of training is also vailable for on-site learning. Home Study options include tuning forks, book, hand outs, three instructional dvd's, and certificate.
*In Person: On-site individual courses include forks, book, hand outs, and certificate.
The Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Level Five Book
This book can be purchased seperately or it is included FREE in the Level Five Tuning Fork Therapy Practitioner® Certification Course.
What your Course includes:
Students in this course will receive the following items:
1 Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Five book
1 Otto, 128 HZ
1 folder of assignments
1 test
After successfully completing all assignments, the student will mail back the assignments and test to the center for grading. With a score of 80% ore greater, students will receive certification in that level. Students will then be called a Level Five Tuning Fork Therapy Practitioner®.
Contact clare@charitydiy.org for pricing information.

What does Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Level Five cover?
In the Level Five Tuning Fork Therapy Practitioner® course students will cover the following information:
The major auric layers of the human body. How to use which Tuning Forks on which layer of the aura All about the Otto tuning forks How to use the Otto tuning forks on the skin of the body-New never before seen methods!!! How to use Otto tuning forks to rejuvenate the face Methods and techniques to give a great facial using the Otto tuning fork Great ideas on how to use the Otto tuning fork in your next massage session to increase circulation and break up stagnation and blockages.
The Otto Tuning Fork
Even though students will learn to use all three of the Otto tuning forks during this class, for this course, students will ONLY receive the Otto Tuning Fork, 128 Hz. (The tuning fork that is pictured in the middle).
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