Tuning Fork TherapyŽ
Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Chakra Certification
The Tuning Fork Therapy® Chakra Certification uses tuning forks in a session.
Each of the Chakra forks correspond to one of the major chakras in the body.
In the 8pc. Chakra set, the Soul Purpose tuning forks corresponds to the Soul Star chakra which is located 10-12" inches above the Crown Chakra. This is your link to the Divine. It is also referred to as the Interpersonal Point.
Use these chakra forks the same as you would the 8pc beginner set that is listed in my Level One manual. Use the forks to open, balance and connect the Chakra energy of the body.
There are no refunds or exchanges on this order.
Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Chakra
Your TFT Chakra certification will include the following items:
1-unweighted chakra set (choose 7, 8, 9 forks below)
1-Color Chakra manual
1-Instructional DVD link
1-Chakra set of gemstones
ALL fork sets come in a blue velveteen case
7 Piece Set
Tft Chakra Certification with 7pc Fork Set
9 Piece Set
Tft Chakra Certification with 9pc Fork Set
Please contact clare@charitydiy.org for pricing information
Chakra Balls
Set of 8 Chakra Colored Balls to put on the ends of your round tuning forks.
Please contact clare@charitydiy.org for pricing information.

Your Chakra Kit
Don't need the printed book, Instructional DVD, forks, etc?
Then order the Kit below:
Your Chakra Kit will include:
1- Color Chakra Manual (emailed to you)
1- Link to Instructional DVD
1- Frameable Certificate (emailed to you)
No Forks-No Gemstones-no printed manual-no dvd
For pricing information contact clare@charitydiy.org
Front and Back of Chakras
In her book, Hands of Light, Barbara Brennan, identified the functioning of the front of each chakra (chakra 2-6) as being related to our feelings and the back of each chakra (chakra 2-6) as being related to our wills. Others have suggested that the front of each chakra holds the feeling energy of the emotion related to that specific chakra and the back of each chakra holds the will of the energy related to that specific chakra.