Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Level Two Practitioner Certification
About Level Two Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Practitioner Certification
Your Choice---Home Study - or - come in person.
*Home Study: Tuning Fork Therapy® Practitioner certifications are available for Home Study/Distant Learning. All eight levels of training is also vailable for on-site learning. Home Study options include tuning forks, book, hand outs, three instructional dvd's, and certificate.
*In Person: On-site individual courses include forks, book, hand outs, and certificate.
*You must receive your training from a certified and registered instructor in order to be included on the database.
Onsite and Home Study Training
For those who have completed the Level One training, I offer your choice of Home Study or onsite learning for Level Two Certification.
Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Two
Description: This course will offer massage and body work students an opportunity to learn how to use specific tuning forks as a massage tool in their massage sessions to help in reducing pain, stress, tension, increase circulation, and to release knotted muscles. Proper body alignment and hand placement will be covered. Proper thumb stacking and massage finger techniques will be covered and demonstrated. Reflexology areas of hands and feet, referral areas, and body guidelines will be discussed and demonstrated. Proper hygiene for the therapist, tuning fork, and equipment and items used in the session will be discussed and demonstrated.
8 ce’s
Course Outline
10-11am-Welcome and Introductions. History of Reflexology and the use of massage and the tuning fork as a tool for the massage session will be discussed. Proper hygiene for the therapist and tuning fork will be discussed and demonstrated. The instructor will demonstrate the various massage techniques that are commonly used in the reflexology session.
- Learning Objective: Student will learn the history of Reflexology and the use of massage and a tuning fork as a massage tool in the therapeutic session.
- Learning Objective: Student will discuss and demonstrate proper hygiene methods for themselves, the client, and the tuning fork.
- Learning Objective: Student will be able to demonstrate a Finger Walking technique used in a Reflexology session.
11am-1pm-Instructor will discuss and demonstrate how to locate and activate specific reflexology points on the hands first through massage techniques, then by using a tuning fork. Proper stacking of the thumb and body alignment will be discussed and demonstrated.
- Learning Objective: student will demonstrate how to locate and activate the reflexology points on the hands associated with the pineal gland. (Student will demonstrate on themselves first and then with a partner)
- Learning Objective: Student will demonstrate how to locate and activate the reflexology points on the hand associated with the cervical spine using a tuning fork. (Student will demonstrate on themselves first and then with a partner)
- Learning Objective: Student will demonstrate how to properly stack their thumbs and keep good body alignment.
2pm-4pm-Instructor will discuss and demonstrate how to locate and activate specific reflexology points on the feet first through massage techniques, then by using a tuning fork.
- Learning Objective: Student will demonstrate how to locate and activate the reflexology points on the feet associated with the Kidney. (First on themselves and then with a partner)
- Learning Objective: Student will demonstrate how to locate and activate the reflexology points on the feet associated with the sinuses using a tuning fork. (First on themselves and then with a partner)
4pm-6pm=Instructor will discuss and demonstrate common referral areas of the body, as well as, body guidelines. Instructor will demonstrate proper hygiene methods for cleaning the room, therapist, tuning fork, and any other equipment and items that were used in the session. Included are special guidelines for additional cleaning for items such as light switches, door knobs, pens, etc., to help reduce the spread of disease.
- Learning Objective: Student will demonstrate how to locate and massage the referral area of the Pineal Gland on the hand and on the foot.
- Learning Objective: Student will demonstrate how to locate and massage the referral area of the Heart on both the hand and the foot.
- Learning Objective: Student will demonstrate how to add an additional cleaning routine to their massage session to help reduce the spread of disease.
6pm-Q & A, clean-up, evaluation forms, awarding of certificates
Level Two Certification
Student will receive the following:
1 OM weighted Tuning Fork
1 Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Two book
1 folder of assignments
1 test
Students will follow the directions given in their folder of assignments. When completed, the students will then complete the test and mail, or email, the answers back to the center for grading. A passing grade of 80% or higher will entitle the student to certification in Level Two.
Please contact clare@charitydiy.org for current pricing information

What we will cover in Tuning Fork TherapyŽ Level Two
Students in this class will learn the following:
Muscle Testing Techniques
Intro to Reflexology
Referral points of the body
Learn the Body Relation Guide Lines to locate points
Using Tuning Forks on the reflex points of the body
Reflex points on the hands and feet
Zone Therapy
Using tuning forks on the zones of the body
Working with the OM tuning fork
Student Comments
Some Student Comments on the Course: "Well, maybe it's not a phenomenon but it seems that way for me. I was working on my level 2 information on Saturday afternoon and practicing reflex points on my feet. I was really working on the chest/lymph for my breast cysts. However, It is now Thursday and I have not had 1 puff off my inhaler for my asthma since last Saturday. This has NEVER happened! I usually can't go without taking at least one puff each day. I haven't had medication in almost a week. This is very exciting for me," P.T.
"Thanks so much for sharing your knowledge in a an easy to learn format," P.B. |
NOTE: You MUST be a Level One practitioner BEFORE moving on to Level Two
Ideas for Teaching Level Two Class