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About the Adjustable Tuning Fork

The adjustable tuning fork is a convenient and affordable way to begin your sound therapy journey. Simple unscrew the black plastic screws located on either side of the tuning fork and slide the 'weight' to the line of the frequency that you want. (This means that you will place the weight on the line BELOW the letter that you want to use. You should be able to see the letter of the frequency that you want). Then, tighten the black plastic screw and that is it!

You can achieve the 240 frequency by removing both of the weights together. This would be the letter B then.

This tuning fork has the same quality as those in the Harmonic tuning fork set.

Each line is clearly labeled.


Contact clare@charitydiy.org for pricing information



(To order the adjustable tuning fork WITH a hockey puck)



(To order the adjustable tuning fork WITH a large wooden mallet)


The Adjustable Tuning Fork

(This tuning fork is included in the Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Six Certification)







Copyright © 2000-2021 Tuning Fork Therapy®. All rights reserved.

Frequencies of the Adjustable Tuning Fork

C-128 Hz

D-144 Hz

E-160 Hz

F-170.7 Hz

G-192 Hz

A-213.3 Hz

B -240 Hz



Copyright2018Francine Milford