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Point #5-Great Abyss (Lu9)

This Point is located on the largest crease of the inner wrist. The point is on a line with the thumb.

How to use Tuning Forks on Acupressure Points of the Body

To Do:

Locate the point on the wrist.

Strike the Middle C tuning fork and place the vibrating tip of the tuning fork directly on (or slightly above) the point.

Let the vibrating tuning fork stay in this area for approximately 20 seconds.

Strike the fork again and repeat the process for a total of three repetitions.


This point will help clients who are suffering from:

  • Concussion
  • Insomnia
  • Throat problems
  • Coughing
  • Exhaustion
  • Nausea
  • Arm problems
  • Hand problems
  • Forearm problems

You can also use this point to Tonify and Strengthen the Lungs and to clear out Phlegm.


For more information on acupressure points of the body and what tuning forks to use on them, check out the Tuning Fork Therapy® Level Three book available for $30 plus $3.99 postage (U.S. shipment only) from the author. Click on the button below to place your order:

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NOTE: ALL forks, courses, certifications and books are non refundable.
